Expert Advice: How to Buy a Vineyard or Horse Property

This site is dedicated to educating buyers of vineyard and country property.

The time has come to take the next step and find that idyllic second home or the perfect property to retire to. A nice home or a site to build your dream home on, a little land, something close to the square, a few plantable acres or even a small winery.

But where can you find the expertise you need, someone that will listen and understand your needs, someone that understands the local market and can explain in plain English the ins and outs of purchasing a vineyard or country property?

Marie Young has spent the last 12 years helping people just like you find the property of their dreams. She is a partner in two vineyards with 30 acres of grapes on 80 acres of land and has been involved in a small (very successful) wine brand. She understands, through personal experience, the process of finding, evaluating and acquiring just the right property. This site was built with you in mind. There is a wealth of information here intended to help you make an educated and informed purchase.


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